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How to get Copper in Lego Fortnite

Where to find Copper and how to survive Lava Caves.

lego fortnite character facing copper deposit in lava cave with flame torch
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Copper in Lego Fortnite is a valuable resource you can collect by venturing deep into a harsh, hot, and dangerous biome. Even once you've survived the deadly biome long enough to reach a Lava Cave, you still need to survive its scorching hot temperatures long enough to mine for this useful material.

Getting through a Lava Cave alive in Lego Fortnite is a tricky task, especially if you've not been to a cooler biome yet or haven't unlocked a special charm that will help you beat the heat without even breaking a sweat.

Don't worry, we're going to show you how to get Copper in Lego Fortnite and how to survive Lava Caves too.

On this page:

How to get Copper in Lego Fortnite

To get Copper in Lego Fortnite you need to find a Lava Cave in the Dry Valley (desert) biome and a Rare Pickaxe or higher.

Make a Rare Pickaxe

To craft a Rare Pickaxe in Lego Fortnite you will need to upgrade your Crafting Bench to the rare tier by using:

  • x12 Knotroot Rods
  • x15 Marble Slabs
  • x6 Sand Claws - Can be gathered by defeating Wolves in the Dry Valley Biome.
  • x3 Sand Shells - Can be gathered by defeating Rollers in the Dry Valley Biome.
lego fortnite upgrade crafting bench rare tier screen
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Once you've upgraded your crafting bench, you can craft a Rare Pickaxe by using:

lego fortnite crafting menu rare pickaxe recipe and materials required highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Find a Lava Cave

Lava Caves in Lego Fortnite can be found in any Dry Valley (desert) biome. On our map, this biome was in the south east and it took a while to travel there. Once you find the biome, we recommend building a bed underneath some shelter on the edge of the biome and setting it as a respawn point in case anything goes wrong.

Lava Caves will be marked on your map like any other cave in other biomes once you discover them. You will know it's a Lava Cave as you will experience an extreme different in temperature when you enter it. If you want to learn how to survive a Lava Cave, then skip below!

lego fortnite character facing lava cave desert biome
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Harvest Copper

Once you're in a Lava Cave, look around for gold and yellow-ish formations growing on the ceiling or walls of the cave. This is Copper and all you need to do to harvest it is repeatedly hit it with your Rare Pickaxe and collect the material that drops.

lego fortnite copper deposit in lava cave
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

How to survive Lava Caves in Lego Fortnite

The hardest bit about mining Copper, or other materials like Obsidian, is surviving the extreme heat in a Lava Cave. However, there are a few simple things you can do to beat the heat:

  • Craft and equip a Cool-Headed Charm - This unlocks with the Uncommon Tier of the crafting bench.
  • Eat a Snowberry - Can be collected in cold environments.
  • Eat Snowberry Shake - Made with a Juicer, two Snowberry and one Milk.

We recommend making the Cool-Headed Charm and placing it into your equipment slot in your inventory as you will only need to make this once for the rest of your Lego Fortnite game.

lego fortnite character inventory menu equipment section highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego Fortnite

That's it for now! If you want more Lego Fortnite content, check out our guides that show you how to invite an NPC to your village, how to craft a Shortsword and how to get Shells.

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Marie Pritchard

Guides Writer

When she isn't exploring Horizon Zero Dawn or dropping into Apex Legends, Marie can be found causing havoc around Los Santos.
