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Nintendo Switch Another Code: Recollection demo now available

Early memories.

Another Code's main character smiles at something out of shot in this screenshot from the game's Switch collection trailer.
Image credit: Nintendo / Eurogamer

Surprise! There's a free demo for Another Code: Recollection now available to download from the eShop.

Nintendo's narrative-focused mystery adventure launches fully on Switch next year, on 19th January. But you can play the game's opening chapter right now, and carry over your progress if you continue on in the full thing.

Another Code: Recollection is the souped-up Nintendo Switch version of the two Another Code games that launched across Nintendo DS and Wii: Two Memories (known as Trace Memory in the US) and R - A Journey into Lost Memories.

Nintendo's latest Another Code: Recollection trailer.

If you played either of them back in the day, there's a list of changes here, as well as the expected visual spruce-up. Recollection now boasts fully explorable environments, new voice acting and more puzzles - with optional hints for those who want them.

If you haven't played Another Code yet, there's now really no reason not to give it a go.

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Another Code: Recollection

Nintendo Switch

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Tom Phillips


Tom is Eurogamer's Editor-in-Chief. He writes lots of news, some of the puns and makes sure we put the accent on Pokémon. Tom joined Eurogamer in 2010 following a stint running a Nintendo fansite, and still owns two GameCubes. He also still plays Pokémon Go every day.
