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How to get Obsidian Slabs in Lego Fortnite

Where to find Obsidian.

lego fortnite obsidian formation in lava cave
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Knowing how to get Obsidian Slabs in Lego Fortnite is a rather complex thing, especially as you need to find a way to survive a scorching hot cave and mine extremely hard gem formations without being roasted. All in all, it takes quite a bit of work to get there.

This specific Lego Fortnite, as mentioned above, will take a fair amount of work to find. Before embarking on your journey to collect Obsidian, we strongly recommend creating a base or some sort of living environment on the edge of a Dry Valley biome to make everything a bit easier.

Without further ado, we're going to show you how to get Obsidian and how to get Obsidian Slabs in Lego Fortnite.

On this page:

How to get Obsidian in Lego Fortnite

To get Obsidian in Lego Fortnite you need a Rare Pickaxe (or higher) and a Lava Cave.

Make a Rare Pickaxe

To make a Rare Pickaxe you will need to upgrade your Crafting Bench to the Rare Tier by using:

  • x12 Knotroot Rods
  • x15 Marble Slabs
  • x6 Sand Claws - Can be gathered by defeating Wolves in the Dry Valley Biome.
  • x3 Sand Shells - Can be gathered by defeating Rollers in the Dry Valley Biome.
lego fortnite upgrade crafting bench rare tier screen
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Once you've upgraded your crafting bench, you can craft a Rare Pickaxe by using:

lego fortnite crafting menu rare pickaxe recipe and materials required highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Make a Cool-Headed Charm

When you've got a Rare Pickaxe or higher, you need to head to the Dry Valley (desert) biome on your map. In our world, this biome was located in the south east corner and it took a while to find it. Once you get to this biome you should collect three Sand Shells.

This is because you need to make a Cool-Headed Charm to be able to survive the Lava Caves you will shortly be entering.

Here's the recipe for making a Cool-Headed Charm in Lego Fortnite:

  • x3 Silk Thread
  • x1 Marble
  • x3 Sand Shells
lego fortnite cool headed charm recipe in crafting bench menu highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

When you've made this, make sure it has been moved out of your inventory storage into your equipment slot so that it activates:

lego fortnite character inventory menu equipment section highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego Fortnite

Find a Lava Cave

Once you've done this, explore the Dry Valley biome for a cave. Caves in this biome are typically 'Lava Caves' and are marked with the same symbol on your map as caves in other areas. You will know if you've found a Lava Cave as you will be warned that you are either hot or burning while entering it.

If you're being warned that you're burning, make a swift exit - but this shouldn't happen if you have the Cool-Headed Charm.

When you're safely inside a Lava Cave, look around for dark purple/blue formations growing on the walls. They can be at ground level or much higher. These formations are what you're looking for, hit them with your Rare Pickaxe to harvest Obsidian.

lego fortnite player looking up at obsidian in lava cave
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

How to make Obsidian Slabs in Lego Fortnite

To make Obsidian Slabs in Lego Fortnite you need to have Obsidian and a Stone Breaker machine.

If you don't already have one, you can build a Stone Breaker machine in Lego Fortnite by using:

  • x25 Knotroot
  • x35 Marble

When you have a Stone Breaker machine, interact with it and select the 'Obsidian Slab' recipe from the left side of the menu that appears. This recipe will automatically be added to your Stone Breaker list once you've collected Obsidian once.

lego fortnite stone breaker obsidian slab reecipe option highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Confirm you want to make this recipe and then use the 'Input' option at the top of the Stone Breaker menu to put in the amount of Obsidian you want to turn into Obsidian Slabs. The cost is one Obsidian will make one Obsidian Slab.

lego fortnite stone breaker obsidian slab insert material option highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

Once you place a material into the machine it will automatically begin to make Slabs. When the machine has finished processing, you can use the prompted command at the end of the processing bar at the top of the Stone Breaker menu to collect your Obsidian Slabs.

lego fortnite stone breaker obsidian slab collect material option highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games/Lego

That's it for now! If you want more help with Lego Fortnite, check out our guides that show you how to build a Spinning Wheel and how to craft a Shortsword. Also, if your world is feeling a little empty, we can show you how to invite an NPC to your village too.

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Marie Pritchard

Guides Writer

When she isn't exploring Horizon Zero Dawn or dropping into Apex Legends, Marie can be found causing havoc around Los Santos.
